[M/V Trailer] Rainbow - Black Swan


[M/V Trailer] Rainbow - Black Swan

익_47qd6b 136.8k 15.02.17
Rainbow will finally be returning to the music scene for the first time in a year and eight months!

레인보우가 1년 8개월만에 미니3집 이노센트로 컴백합니다!
이번 앨범과 타이틀곡 블랙스완! 많은 응원과 큰 사랑 부탁합니다 :)

3rd Mini Album 'INNOCENT'
- TITLE : "Black Swan" M/V Trailer
2015.02.23.Mon. Coming Soon!!

Rainbow Official Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Rainbow.DSP
Rainbow Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/RAINBOW_1114
Rainbow Official Fancafe : http://cafe.daum.net/RAINBOW1114
