이번 주 온스타일 스타일리스트 배틀, '패션킬라'에 출연하는 AOA 유나씨와 혜정씨. 두 사람의 대기실 사진을 공개합니다!
PS 틀린 그림 찾기: 두 셀카에서, 다른점을 찾아보세요! ^.^
Yu-Na and Hye-Jeong of AOA are going to be starring in this week's episode of OnStyle Stylist Battle, 'Fashion Killa'. Here are some of their self-taken pics!
PS Hidden Catch: Find differences in two pictures! ^.^
PS 틀린 그림 찾기: 두 셀카에서, 다른점을 찾아보세요! ^.^
Yu-Na and Hye-Jeong of AOA are going to be starring in this week's episode of OnStyle Stylist Battle, 'Fashion Killa'. Here are some of their self-taken pics!
PS Hidden Catch: Find differences in two pictures! ^.^