[직캠/Fancam] 150808 KCON 2015 NY 에이오에이 설현 - 사뿐사뿐 // AOA Seolhyun - Like A Cat

AOA 팬질

[직캠/Fancam] 150808 KCON 2015 NY 에이오에이 설현 - 사뿐사뿐 // AOA Seolhyun - Like A Cat

익_het894 276.2k 15.08.15
AOA Seolhyun - Like A Cat fancam from KCON 2015 NY on 2015-08-08 at the Prudential Center. Attempted to fancam the other members for the first minute of the song before switching back to Seolhyun.

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