오늘 많이추우셨죠?
어제부터 기다렸다는 분도 계시고
해외에서 오신분들도 계시고..
이렇게나 많이 찾아와주시고 기다려주셔서 감사합니다!!
덕분에 너무 따뜻해졌어요^-^♡
여러분들도 조심히 돌아가시고,
따뜻한 하루 보내세요
#천사머리띠 잘안보이지만 분명했음
Today was really cold right?
People who've waited since yesterday and also people who've come from abroad...
Thank you so much for seeing me and for waiting for me!
For that, i feel warm ^-^ ♡
Everyone be careful on your way back and have a warm day.
The angel headband isn't really noticeable but it was quite clear.
#Seolhyun #설현 #AOA #Seolhyunari #Choa #Mina #Yuna #Kpop #Chanmi #Hyejeong #Jimin #Youkyung #에이오에이 #김설현 #ソリョン #雪炫
오늘 많이추우셨죠?
어제부터 기다렸다는 분도 계시고
해외에서 오신분들도 계시고..
이렇게나 많이 찾아와주시고 기다려주셔서 감사합니다!!
덕분에 너무 따뜻해졌어요^-^♡
여러분들도 조심히 돌아가시고,
따뜻한 하루 보내세요
#천사머리띠 잘안보이지만 분명했음
Today was really cold right?
People who've waited since yesterday and also people who've come from abroad...
Thank you so much for seeing me and for waiting for me!
For that, i feel warm ^-^ ♡
Everyone be careful on your way back and have a warm day.
The angel headband isn't really noticeable but it was quite clear.
#Seolhyun #설현 #AOA #Seolhyunari #Choa #Mina #Yuna #Kpop #Chanmi #Hyejeong #Jimin #Youkyung #에이오에이 #김설현 #ソリョン #雪炫